How To Delete A Google Classroom Class
You have successfully deleted the class. On the displayed menu options click Archived classesThen on the top right of the classroom you want to delete click the 3 dots classroom menu and select DeleteYou will be required to confirm the permanent delete. Teacher S Guide To Using Padlet In Class With Images Teacher Guides Digital Classroom Resource Classroom Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner of your Google Classroom page again. How to delete a google classroom class . Find the right instructor for you. On the displayed menu options click Archived classes. Log in to Google Classroom 2. To permanently delete a Google Classroom click the Google Classroom menu icon the 3 lines on the top left of the page. To do so just hit the More button and Unenroll twice. Click on the Delete option in the Actions column for the class you want to delete. Teachers and co-teachers can archive a class but only the primary teacher can delete a class. Now tap men...